Donate Your Human Milk

You can help keep a baby healthy and thriving by donating a minimum of 50 ounces to the Mothers’ Milk Bank in San Jose, CA.

The process to become a donor consists of the following steps:

    • submit an initial screening questionnaire
    • complete a phone screening interview
    • submit a donor packet and medical consent forms
    • complete a bloodwork screening

There is no cost to you, all screening fees and shipping will be paid by Mothers’ Milk Bank. Milk storage bags and shipping containers will be provided to you at no cost.

Mothers’ Milk Bank is currently accepting a minimum of 50 ounces of milk, up to 9 months from the day of expression. Please contact them when you already have the minimum ounces required ready to donate.

Mother's Milk Bank logo
woman pumping breast milk
woman holding two breast pumps filled with human donor milk
storage of human donor milk