Donate to Human Milk Connection

Support us with a one-time or monthly donation: Make a positive, direct impact on California families and babies in need of donor human milk!

premature baby

Every Dollar


Your donation decreases a baby’s risk of SIDS, infection, cancer, diabetes, and obesity every single month.

Thank you!

premature baby

Every Baby


Your donation provides three families the peace of mind that they are giving their newborns the absolute best that day — about one ounce of donor human milk per feeding.

Thank You!

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Every Drop


Your donation gives one newborn donor human milk for their first week of life, providing nearly 67 ounces.

Thank You!

premature baby

Every Chance


Your donation ensures 200 ounces of the best possible donor human milk — enough to feed a newborn for about the first two weeks.

Thank you!

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Liquid Gold


Your donation provides over 530 ounces of gold-standard nutrition. That’s more than three weeks of donor human milk for a 2–4 week old baby.

Thank you!