Coming in February: Virtual Milk Drive

Human Donor Milk: The Gift That Keeps on Giving! During the month of February 2025, the Human Milk Connection will host its first ever virtual milk drive, co-sponsored by the Sacramento Breastfeeding Coalition. Through social media and on-the-ground promotions...

Help us Bridge The Gap

From December 2024 though January 2025, Human Milk Connection will be hosting a Bridge The Gap fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $10,000 during this two month period — all proceeds from the Bridge The Gap donation drive will go to Mothers’ Milk Bank California.  When...

Tabling at the Women’s Fitness Festival

Human Milk Connection attended our first public tabling event on Sunday, June 2 at the Women’s Fitness Festival at the Capitol Mall. We hosted a raffle drawing in our booth for a chance win one of three $50 Fleet Feet gift cards. It was a great event and we collected...

We’re featured in Inside Sacramento

Human Milk Connection is proud to be featured in the October 2023 issue of Inside Sacramento. Our director Janel Silva was interviewed for the article, giving her the opportunity to share our mission of advancing Health Equity in Infant Nutrition. You can read the...

Grant Distribution

Thanks to the generous donations from our community members, Human Milk Connection was able to provide grant funding to Mothers’ Milk Bank of San Jose. These funds provided approximately 1,300 ounces of human donor milk to California families. This is just the first...

Letter to the New California Surgeon General

— PUBLIC STATEMENT — Letter to the new California Surgeon General November 17, 2022 Dr. Ramos, Congratulations on your new role as Surgeon General for the State of California! Our organization, Human Milk Connection, is very impressed with your resume and are...

Tweet at us on Twitter!

You can now find the Human Milk Connection Foundation on Twitter. Join us there for human donor milk news and announcements about our fundraising and milk drive events.